1 tin of olives (stones removed) app. 180g
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
salt, pepper, herbs de provence (thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano)

Remove the liquid from the olives, put everything together in a mixer and mix until it becomes a creamy dip.

180g black olives (stones removed)
100g capers
50g anchovies or other dried salty fish
3 tbsp olive oil juice of _ lemon

Desalinate the anchovies with rinsing water, put everything in a mixer and mix until it becomes a creamy dip.

◆材料200g butter
1-2 cloves garlic
optional: herbs of the Provence (thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano)

◆作り方 Put the butter in a warm place for some hours. Mash the garlic. Mash butter, garlic and perhaps the herbs with a fork until it is a homogenous paste.


10 cloves garlic
2 egg yolks
juice of _ lemon
40 cl olive oil
salt, pepper

Mash the garlic, add egg yolk, salt, pepper and _ tsp of cold water and mix, than start adding the oil drop by drop while stirring. After you have added _ of the oil add the lemon juice and continue adding the remained oil. Use the mixture as a dip for fish.

6 - 8 vegetable peppers
1 pepperoni (optional: tabasco or powder)
4 onions
2 cloves garlic
500g tomatoes
6 eggs
150g ham or bacon
olive oil
herbs of the Provence

Slice the peppers after having removed the seeds, slice pepperoni, onion and garlic. Add it to the heated olive oil, fry it on medium heat. Cut the tomatoes, remove the juice and add them to the pan. Add the herbs and let it cook for 10 minutes. Fry the roughly cut ham for short in a pan, remove it, let the eggs stock and finally add the vegetable-mixture and the ham again. Stir it.


500g strawberries
100g sugar
4 egg whites

Puree the strawberries, add 90g of the sugar and mix. Whip the egg whites adding a tiny pinch of salt and the rest of the sugar. When it is stiff add the strawberry-sugar-mixture. Put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.